Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen - MJ FABER: Außenduschsäulen aus nautischem Edelstahl 316L

Ä s t h e t i k & F u n k t i o n a l i t ä t
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Ä s t h e t i k & F u n k t i o n a l i t ä t
Ä s t h e t i k & F u n k t i o n a l i t ä t
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Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen


The present conditions (these terms) of sale, that cancel (remove) and replaced the previous are applicable to all orders processed by us and is deemed to be fully accepted by the buyer with the transfer of order ,
both written and verbal. The collection of the goods(products) is confirmed d' implicit order..

Small variations in the production and presentation of the product, which they do not change the
charachteristics of use, may be made by our company(firm) without notice and can not be nvoked
by the buyer as a cause for cancellation of the order.

All prices indicated into our price list must be intended how: 'Porto Franco' Loc. Pratantico, Arezzo
(AR) Italia, excluding vat, where not different indicated on the offer.

The standard packaging are included in the price of the goods; special packaging , if necessary,
will be charged at cost.

In cases where the mean of delivery is not explicitly specified by the customer, the shipment will be made in the way we deem most suitable (with payments from the buyer) and the cost will be charged on the customer.

Delivery times are not binding but only indicative.
The buyer (purchaser) exempts the seller from any responsability for damages due to delays in delivery of goods ( products).
The delivery delays for special pieces specially products can not cause cancellation of order.

Our products (goods) are guaranteed against defects in material or workmanship attributable to
us, for a minimum period equal to that established by current European standards.
The warranty is void if:
a) the product has been used outside the operating conditions specified by us;
b) the material has been modified or manipulated by unauthorized person from our company.
The warranty is limited to repair or replacement of defective products with the absolute exclusion
of any responsability resulting from damage however caused by use of our products.

N.B. In case of repair or replacement at our office, the goods will be ( charged) to the customer.
(oppure will be borne by the customer).

Any claims must be made within 8 days from the date of delivery of the goods. (goods delivery).

Each made must ' be authorized by our office and will be accepted only if accompanied by the
sales documents (number and date of delivery note and invoice).
We do not give ' in the withdrawal of returns without identification number.
Each made must ' be made carriage paid.

Payments must be made to MJ FABER of Jommi Massimiliano.

The goods remain the property of the seller MJ FABER of Jommi Massimiliano until payment in full of the same as well as the amounts (costs) due for transport, insurance, etc..

Any dispute and defendant, exclusively, the jurisdiction of the courts of Arezzo.

Marchi di accettazione PayPal
© 2009 MJ FABER di Jommi Massimiliano - P.IVA/MwST.: IT 01826730515
Büro und Labor: Strada regionale 69, N° 88/C
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Strada regionale 69, N° 89
52100 - Loc. Pratantico - Arezzo - Italy
Zertifizierte E-Mail:

Zahlungen: Banküberweisung, Kreditkarte
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